Meet Jacqueline Baxter

Senior Digital Strategist at Sitecore

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started?

I talked my way into a job at Hedgehog Development; I was hired as an office manager, but it was a supportive environment that encouraged learning and all my colleagues were willing to share their knowledge. I worked my way into the marketing department, and from there the move to digital strategy was seamless. After Sitecore acquired Hedgehog, BV&S was a natural fit.

Who is your role model in the tech industry?

Katherine Johnson, forever and always.

What would you say is key in exceling in your industry?

Being curious is essential – a willingness to ask questions and really listen to the answers can uncover information to build a strategy and help the client. It can also lead you in the direction of new and creative solutions.

What challenges do you see for women in tech today?

The lack of representation at all levels of leadership makes things challenging; we’re constantly trying to build the ladder while we climb it.

Do you have any advice or tips for women looking to start their careers in tech? What do you wish you had known?

Trust your instincts; if something doesn’t feel or look right, reach out and ask someone. You’ll be right more times than not.